Horse Show

Artificial Aids, Draw Reins and Auxiliary Tack – Should you use it?

We have all seen auxiliary Tack, things like draw reins, chambon and martingales. What is their place in horse training?

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What Place Does Auxiliary Tack Have in Your Training Program?

I have one set of draw reins that I dust off from time to time to help me with a difficult situation. Having said that, I, however, do not like, nor recommend, the use of any auxiliary tack. To me… it is a short cut which forces a horse to succumb to the trainer and there is no value within the natural training of the horse.

On a rare occasions and only in the hands of a seasoned professional can side reins, draw reins and chambons be utilized correctly. If you have a problem (high headed, not coming through, stiff or unstable) the use of auxiliary equipment will not take the place of systematic training of a horse. With out the correct development of the horse these ‘quick fixes’ force the horse’s head into place and does not allow the horse or teach the horse how to carry themselves correctly.

What place does auxiliary tack and equipment, draw reins, side reins, chambon and German martingales have in your training program?